Household and Cleaning Products



Household Cleaning Products

It means any product other than food typically purchased by consumers for consumption in the household in the short term, including soaps, household cleaners, food wrapping products and the like for cleaning.  Cleaning products are commonly used on a variety of surfaces and have four different, often supplemental, purposes. Obviously the main goal of using cleaning products is to facilitate the removal of surface contaminants. This is based on physical and chemical processes, including the dissolution of deposits of minerals, fat and inorganic salts by acid-base reactions or by the forming of complexes (‘micelles’). A second purpose is surface care – maintenance of the material and/or making it appear shiny. Thirdly, certain products aim at the disinfection of the surface. Finally, cleaning products may be used to introduce a pleasant smell, and perhaps even to mask an unpleasant smell.

The most common ingredients in household cleaning products include alkalies, acids, detergents, abrasives, sanitizers, and spirit solvents for their cleaning effects.  Some laundry detergents may be used for housecleaning jobs. Detergents loosen dirt, and if complex soluble phosphates (called “builders”) are added to a detergent, they will remove oily dirt. If a builder is added, the cleaning product is marked “heavy duty” or “all-purpose.”  Sanitizers are chemicals that reduce the number of bacteria and often are used in cleaning bathrooms and washing dishes. Sanitizers also help deodorize surfaces because they kill odor-producing microorganisms.  Most polishes and waxes for wood furniture and floors contain a spirit solvent. These solvents are similar to the fluids used in dry-cleaning processes because they remove oily dirt.  The household and cleaning product usually have the forms of package such as foams, shampoos, degreasing sprays, waxes, powders, liquids and so on.  To be effective, the product’s formulations need to be well designed physically and chemically with knowledge of surface chemistry on surfactancy, detergency, micellization, foaming (bubbling), wetting, surface/interfacial tensiometry, adhesion, absorption, and etc.

Our devices which can help you in this field are: our A Series laboratory contact angle meters with automated CMC tools, Robotic Sessil and pendant drops tensiometers, SITA tensiometers, T100, T15+, Dynotester, Foam Tester, and all kinds of contract testing using our advanced devices.