Interfacial Rheology

We do testing with a pre-owned OCA20+ODG20 

Interfacial transport phenomena are of specific importance in the applications of multiphase fluid systems (complex fluids-suspensions, dispersions and colloids), which possess a large specific surface. Microscopically, the formation of long-range ordered structures inside the created thin films has many implications of both fundamental and practical significance. Applications of interfacial transport phenomena can be found in many areas: separation processes such as distillation, flotation, and liquid membranes; concerns of processing, flow and stability of emulsions, foams and particle dispersions; ink-jet printing; paints/coatings; wetting; etc.  To understand the dynamic process of lamination or multi-layering, which rearranges microstructures in sub-micron thin liquid films, can serve as an important tool for probing the long range interaction forces in concentrated particle suspensions and colloidal dispersions.  The dynamic surface tension and dynamic viscosity (including linear and non-linear interfacial viscoelasticity) are crucial in knowing  their creation, characteristics and stability for such systems of containing layered films.

The team of FDS/SITA is a unique one in the market, with in-depth experience not only in surface science and interfacial rheology but also in manufacturing precision tensiometers and doing contract testing for interfacial rheology. Our devices which can help you are: Drop-shape Analyzers (pendant and sessile drops)SITA T100 etc.

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